Feel At Home
We want you to feel right at home from the moment you set foot on our church campus! Some of the most frequently asked questions are answered here, and should prepare you for being our guests. Greeters are available at all entrances to the building each Sunday morning, and will be happy to answer questions or walk with you to where you want to be!

Choose a Worship Time
We offer two Sunday morning worship services. The first service begins at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall and is a contemporary service with an upbeat feel. The second service meets at 11:05 AM in the Sanctuary; it is traditional and features our choir, handbells, and soloists. If you are not sure which style will be best for you, we encourage you to check out both of them. Sometimes people are surprised by which service feels most comfortable, and the only way you can figure that out is to try them!
What about the Kids?
We have age-appropriate child care opportunities for kids at both service times. In addition to Sunday School at 10:00 AM. The classes are fun and meaningful, packed with multi-sensory activities where kids sing, play, and discover new Bible lessons each week.
Children in Worship
The giggles and wiggles that God has blessed our children with are welcome in all of our worship services. We believe it is important for children to know and connect with the practices of the faith that happen in worship, but we know it isn’t always an easy task. Worship activity bags are available to help provide parents with extra tools to make worship an enjoyable experience for everyone. Childcare is also provided during both worship services with staff who work to keep children engaged with faith-based activities, but please know that this program will not replace the Sunday school hour.
If you need more information, contact Carlee George (Director of Children’s Ministries)

What do I wear?
Most people wear dress casual clothing, including slacks, jeans, polos, and blouses. Others prefer to dress up more. We encourage you to dress in whatever you are most comfortable! God loves you and so do we!

Find Your Way Around Campus
We want you to find your way around quickly and easily. So we’ve provided campus maps for you. See you Sunday!
Contemporary Worship | 9 – 9:50 am | Sanctuary
This come-as-you-are worship experience features fresh, modern liturgy and live contemporary music, an inspiring message, and a time for children each Sunday. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
Traditional Worship| 11:05 am – Noon | Sanctuary
Uplifting traditional worship in a warm community of faith. The order of worship is filled with glorious music from the Chancel Choir, ensembles, soloists and instrumentalists, inspiring scriptures and engaging sermons, and a time for children each Sunday. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
Parking is always one of those questions that everyone has when they first visiting a church. Where do I park,,,which door do I go in?
For us it is easy, park where you can find a spot. It is best to enter the church by the Bell Tower entrance (Murphy Road); we have greeters at this entrance to help you. Our handicap parking is located in front of the Bell Tower, Murphy Road side of the church.
No, absolutely not! Church membership is not required to participate in any of our activities at FUMCMC.