Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries


Room 124, Contact: Larry Moore

We are an energetic group of couples and singles who enjoy studying a wide variety of topics and engage in challenging dialogues. Covenant class has met for over 30 years.


Room 209, Contact: Kelly Lehman

We are a multi-generational group including members who are 40+. Teachers rotate and studies are wide-ranging.


Room 253,  Contact: Sue Morse

Are you new to the church looking to join a small group or a long-time member of the congregation wanting a new place to plug-in to the church? Maybe you’ve thought about joining a Sunday School class, but just never got around to it. If one of these situations applies to you, Genesis Class wants to invite you to join our class!

While the class has been meeting for many years, we welcome anyone who wishes to join us. We are a friendly group whose members like to laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Our class members are active in their support of the many programs and ministries of our church. We give our time by working at the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry; participating in the annual Fall Festival; singing in the choir; attending Wednesday morning Men’s Breakfast; and lending a hand when needed with any number of work projects around the church. For several years Genesis class members were the cooks and servers for the Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper at the church.

Our Sunday morning studies are wide-ranging in subject matter, and varied points of view often lead to lively discussions. The following are among recent studies How We Got the New Testament; Getting to Know the Apostles; in-depth studies of various books of the Bible; studies by Ray Vander Laan, James W. Moore, and Adam Hamilton, as well as Advent and Lenten studies.

Whether you are a long-time Bible scholar or a new-comer to Sunday morning study, we welcome you to the Genesis Class!



Room 250,  Contact: Angela Buchenio

Are you looking to connect with God in a meaningful way? Not sure yet what that means? No problem. This is the group for you. We are comprised of many different backgrounds and “walks in faith”. Some are just beginning, and while others were raised in the church. Our group’s strength is our ability to listen to the direction God wants us to go. Some days are very scripture-focused, and others are learning about God in our everyday lives. No pressure and all are welcome, we want you to be you.
Some of the past studies have been:  Taste and See by Margaret Feinberg: Discovering God Among Butchers, Baker and Fresh Food Makers.  This study was so much fun because we really discovered the meaning of “the meal” all while we did some cooking in the church’s kitchen.
Wonderful Life by Mike Foster and YOU.  A not-so-perfect guide to who you are and why you are here. In this study, we really dived into our past experiences, things in our lives, and how we see our verses how God sees us.
Open Hearts

Room 125, Contact:

We are a class that enjoys an intimate setting and are a well-established group of adults with grown children. The class is a forum for contemporary discussions of Christian values.


Room 122, Contact: Sally McGinty

We are the longest running adult class in our church. Some members have been part of this class for over 30 years. Our most unique feature is the fellowship we enjoy together.

Good News

Room 130, Contact: Jeanne Gilson

The Good News Sunday School Class offering it’s members a variety of opportunities to grow in faith and in discipleship. Members have a strong focus on supporting and embracing one another as each of us experiences our own walk in this life. We encourage and support spiritual and personal growth as we learn and study the Word together and we are a strong family in faith.

Men's Breakfast

Room 120/Kitchen, Contact Dave Cox

Our Men’s group meets every Wednesday at 6:30am for breakfast and prayer. Come enjoy some food and fellowship as you start your day.

Seekers Women's Bible Study


Beginning Sept 13th the Seekers Bible study will be meeting every Wednesday at 10 AM in RM 311/312.

The study this fall will be “Epic of Eden: Ruth” written by Dr. Sandra Richter.

This is a story about three compelling characters: Naomi an elderly widow, Ruth, Naomi’s young daughter-in-law, also a widow, and Boaz, the local patriarch. Dr. Sandra Richter makes each of these characters come alive. Participants will be challenged as they see themselves in these characters and find themselves faced with many of the same questions and challenges in today’s world. For more information about this class contact Sue Morse

FUMCMC Book Club

Contact Joan Bell


Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Spring Thursday AM study will be 6 weeks beginning on Feb. 15th, 9:30 AM-11:00 AM in room 258 with Pastor Ross Talbert.

We will be studying Surprised by Hope, written by N.T. Wright.

This study significantly impacted the way I think of Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, and I think it will also impact you.  Here is an excerpt from the book:

“Christians normally think of the future in terms of “heaven’, but the promised reality is far greater: a new heaven and a new earth, a whole new creation.  Once you grasp this biblical vision of God’s future, it will transform your understanding of life in the present.”

Each session will begin with a short video by Wright, and then we will discuss some of the interesting thoughts that arise from Wright’s presentation.

There is a participant guide that I recommend for everyone, that contains some information about each session, some questions we will discuss, and additional information you may choose to review between sessions.  The participant’s guide can be ordered when you register for the class.

Click Here to Register

Contact Ross Talbert at with any questions.

Tuesday Night Bible Study

Forgiveness:  Finding Peace Through Letting Go

Join Pastor Jerome & Leslie Brimmage as they lead us in this 4-week study by Adam Hamilton on Forgiveness.

Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God.

Copies of the book are available for loan from the church.  However, if you would like your own copy of the book, you will find a link to do so on the registration form.

This 4-week study will begin on Tuesday, Feb 5th, and will be held off-site at a restaurant location to be named soon.

Register by Clicking Here


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